Day 3: SXSW 2017

k. dexter
4 min readMar 12, 2017
  • To be honest I woke up at 6AM to watch my football team in an FA Cup match. City won. Yay.

After that I seriously struggled with myself to get up and get outside. It was super cloudy and rainy and depressing.

  • Finally I saw a panel by Dr. Dieter Zetsch on the future of autonomous cars and how Mercedes is implementing this tech. The focused went into mapping more than anything and I agree — our maps need to be our steward and they need to be advanced before self driving cars exist in the consumer world.

Next up I took a rainy walk toward the convention center.

  • Luckily I ran into some naked juice — they provided a fresh fruit breakfast and juice samples.

I ended up visiting the DC activation across the street and it was great. .

  • WEDC was filled with tons of creative people showcasing the innovation and tech that is currently happening in the district.

Yeah I tried out a Peloton bike too. So what? Who cares!

I stupidly walked back to my hotel to get rid of of my rain jacket (worst decision of the day.)

  • NYT has a spot set up across from my hotel so I popped in while it torrentially down poured outside. I listened to an interesting panel on, you guessed it, FAKE NEWS! Sad!
  • Eventually I realized the rain wasn’t going to let up so I ordered a Fasten ride to take me to the convention center so I could hear the keynote from Jennifer Doudna. I found her talk so interesting, especially since I’m not a scientist or even remotely involved in engineering DNA and cells. Learning about the CRISPR methodology was enlightening and scary at the same time. The future is so crazy and also the future is RIGHT NOW.
  • After a short break it was time to listen to Casey Neistat. Yeah I’m a fan girl. He talked about the Tarzan method and how important it is to grab onto each vine that life offers your in your attempt to reach your goals. He also played his best videos which were fun to watch on the big screen.
  • Once Casey ended I hustled over to the CNN House for some Spanish delicacies(mmm, iberico) & a preview of their new show they developed with Roads + Kingdoms — Exploring Parts Unknown. The new show looks fantastic, but seriously everything Anthony Bourdain does is amazing. They also had a pretty great VR setup. I ended up Running with bulls in Spain and I really enjoyed it.
  • The rain still hadn’t let up at this point so I decided to take my first pedi-cab ever! It was kind of amazing and incredibly efficient. The photo shows how much I loved it.
  • I popped into a Samsung NEXT event, but they weren’t showcasing anything and just giving out tshrits and sunglasses so I quickly left in search for dinner before a party with D.C. ad agency CHIEF.
  • The party was great lots of familiar faces and new friends were made. Live GoGo had me sort of liking it? I dunno #bmoreclub4ever

Ultimately I stayed out way past my self mandated bed time and finally fell asleep around 1AM on the night that had to spring clocks forward. It was totally worth it though.



k. dexter

quality advocate focused on empowering compassionate software teams.